Monday, November 19, 2012


Here are the pictures from observation 4

(Patterson 1998)
(Pennak 1989)
(Pennak 1989)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Observation 4

 unfortunately I sent myself the wrong set of Photos. so I have no new things to show.  However I will try and get the Right ones as soon as possible so that I can share my findings.

I do however have some more information from last weeks findings

The diatoms are Eukaryotic and are single celled (MIRACLE 2012).  They did not appear to move and there were several of them in there.

Flatworms are multicellular eukaryotic organisms (McDarby 2012).  They liked to move around and there were quite a few of them.

Cyclops are Multicellular Eukaryotic organisms.  they are extremely fast when they want to be and there were around four in the tank.  I could clearly see all of these just by observing it.

The water mite was also multicellular and eukaryotic.  this was clear because i could see him with the naked eye running around in the tank.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Observation 3

On Friday October 26, 2012 ONE Beta Food Pellet was inserted into my micro aquarium.  the food pellet was, "Atison's Betta Food" made by Ocean Nutrition, Aqua Pet Americas, 3528 West 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84104. Ingredients: Fish meal, wheat flower, soy meal, krill meal, minerals, vitamins and preservatives. Analysis: Crude Protein 36%; Crude fat 4.5%; Crude Fiber 3.5%; Moisture 8% and Ash 15%.  (botany 111 fall 2012)

This food Pellet mad my aquarium boom.  i found all kinds of fun new organisms.     

(Ken McFarland )

(Pennak 1989)

(Ken McFarland)

(Rainis and Russell 1996)

Monday, October 29, 2012


Botany 111 fall 2012 [internet].  blog spot[cited 2012 october 19] available from

Pennak RW. 1989. Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States. 3rd ed. John wiley and sons, inc. 141p, 169p, and 415p.

Rainis KG and Russell BJ. 1996. Guide to Microlife. Franklin Watts a Division of Grolier Publishing. 238p.

The Brain of Ken McFarland 

Flatworms [Internet]. Michael McDarby; c 2001-2012 [cited 2012 November 12]. Available from

Diatoms [Interrnet]. [MIRACLE] Microfossil Image recovery and circulation for learning and education; [Cited 2012 November 12]. Available at

Patterson DJ. 1998. Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa. Manson Publishing Ltd. 113p.

observation number 2

Thursday October 25, 2012 I observed my aquarium again.  however do to lack of time I was not able to identify any of the new organisms.  however there was a lot more activity and movement.  I will give myself much more time this week and get lots of good information and pictures for you all. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

The start of something new

On October 16, 2012 I started my micro aquarium.  The water sample I chose was the water from Spring Creek off Woodson Dr runing throught Dean's Woods Road frontage., Knox Co. Tennessee. Partial shade exposure. Tennessee River water Shed N35 55.274 W083 56.888 848 ft 10/9/2011 Fissidens fontanus moss in stream.  Then I used Amblestegium sp. Moss. Collection from: Natural spring. at Carters Mill Park, Carter Mill Road, Knox Co. TN. Partial shade exposure. N36 01.168 W83 42.832. 10/9/2011, as my plant in the aquarium (Botany 111 fall 2012).  So far there has not been much activity in my aquarium. however I have found what I believe to be a Seed shrimp and a cyclops.  both of these were seen down in the mud at the bottom of the tank.  hopefully as the weeks go by more activity will spring forth.